Announcement of two new Associate Directors for SKAPE
Two headshots of Sofie Illemann Jæger and Théo Bourgeron.

By Théo Bourgeron and Sofie Illemann Jaeger

The SKAPE Centre is very glad to announce its two new Associate Directors, Théo Bourgeron and Sofie Illemann Jaeger. From July 2022, Théo and Sofie will work with the Centre’s team and contribute to making the Centre a place of vibrant debates on policymaking and knowledge.

Théo Bourgeron is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in sociology at the University of Edinburgh. In his research, Théo has been working on the construction and contestation of new markets, in fields such as finance and the pharmaceutical sector. He has studied how policymakers, social scientists, and activists interact (and often clash) about the creation of all these recent markets supposed to address social issues. Théo will get involved in the organisation of events linked to economic and global health issues at SKAPE. An economic sociologist trained in STS, Théo will also bring to SKAPE his interest for radical approaches of the policy/knowledge nexus, from Marxist re-evaluation of popular knowledge to recent debates about the role of fiction in policymaking.

Sofie Illemann Jaeger is an ESRC PhD candidate in science, technology and innovation studies at the University of Edinburgh. Sofie works on citizen climate engagement, examining different formats for public engagement with climate change action and policy. Before returning to academia for her doctoral studies, Sofie worked in science communication and public engagement for British cultural institutions and learned academies. Following on from her previous work for the Centre, Sofie will, in the new role as Associate Director, continue to contribute to the Centre’s communication while also becoming more involved with the events and research programmes. She especially looks forward to working with SKAPE members and associate members to support increased member interaction and collaboration. Sofie brings with her to SKAPE an interest in climate policy, uses of citizen engagement for policymaking, and AI for social good.

Along with the two Co-Directors, Nathan Coombs and Eugenia Rodrigues, Sofie and Théo will contribute to events, research programmes and the communication of the Centre in the next few years.

Théo Bourgeron, Sociology.

Sofie Illemann Jaeger, Science, Technology and Innovation Studies.