Data-Driven Innovation Development Strategies in the (City-)Region: Towards the Opportunity Areas Analysis Tool
You can access a recording of the seminar here.
On 9 March, we welcome Matjaz Vidmar and Fumi Kitagawa (University of Edinburgh) to SKAPE as part of our seminar series.
Based on the growing importance place-based strategic intelligence, we put forward a conceptual framework for a new methodological approach to influence the shaping of regional economic development. Over the past three years, we were working with the Data-Driven Innovation Programme, part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal to identify opportunity areas for future applications and growth. Using the Opportunity Areas Analysis Tool (OAAT) we developed, we defined key trends, map core capabilities and assess exploitation capacities in Fife and Scottish Borders.
As part of this talk, we will outline our engagement with the regional stakeholders, the findings of our studies and offer some critical appraisal of developing inclusive place-based future visions and narratives in urban-rural contexts, and the alignment of technological opportunities within diverse geographical and sectoral conditions.
DDI Press Release and reports: https://ddi.ac.uk/tourism-and-food-drink-among-fife-scottish-borders-sectors-pegged-to-benefit-from-data-innovation/
The authors of this seminar contributed a related blog post to the SKAPE website. To read more about the research discussed in the seminar, you can access the blog post here.
Dr Matjaz Vidmar is a researcher, lecturer and strategist at the University of Edinburgh and at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh. He is both an (astro)physicist and a social scientist, focusing on the studies of innovation. His particular interests include inter-organisational change as well as other social dimensions of new and emerging technology, specifically focusing on astronomy, and space and satellite Industry. In addition, he is involved in many international initiatives to develop the future of these fields as well as delivering an extensive public engagement programme. You can find out more at www.roe.ac.uk/~vidmar
Dr Fumi Kitagawa is a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Edinburgh Business School, and has a PhD in Urban and Regional Studies. Her research has centred on how public science generates impact on the economy and society; in particular, the role of higher education institutions in the regional development and innovation processes. Fumi has published extensively on S&T and Innovation policy, governance of regional and local economic development, scientific entrepreneurship, and university-industry relationships, covering the UK, Sweden, and East Asia.