A pile of blue pills against an orange backdrop.

Sex, drugs and activism: making HIV treatment as prevention available in the UK

On 10 April 2017, the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) announced that PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) – the use of HIV treatment in people who are HIV-negative to prevent HIV – would soon be available on the NHS. This is a landmark decision for the use of HIV treatment as prevention in the UK, making Scotland the first – and currently, only – country to provide PrEP through the NHS.

Sex, drugs and activism: making HIV treatment as prevention available in the UK Read More »

Grey-white image of a stethoscope on a table

Book review: publics and their health systems: rethinking participation by Ellen Stewart

Book review: Drawing on a detailed case study of Scotland’s National Health Service, Publics and Their Health Systems: Rethinking Participation is a novel contribution to the growing academic engagement with the institutionalisation of public participation as a routine feature of governance.

Book review: publics and their health systems: rethinking participation by Ellen Stewart Read More »

Image of a patient's arm with an IV, lying in a hospital bed with a nurse by their side.

What is the patient experience?

While a concern with how people experience health and illness has long been a topic of interest in Medical Sociology and Anthropology, the emergence of the patient experience alongside quality and safety as a key measure of healthcare services is a more recent phenomenon. Yet despite its increasing prominence, what counts as a patient experience and indeed how these experiences can and should be counted remains up for debate.

What is the patient experience? Read More »